Do you have a question or a specific request? Would you like to receive information in person? Our staff will be happy to help you with our products or services!

For our interested parties

Please fill out the form below if you are looking for a customized complex enterprise management system, or if your existing solutions no longer serve the needs of your business!

Contact us if:

  • You are requesting general information about the benefits of administration/company management systems!

  • Specifically, you are interested in one of our products, Nagy Machinator or sERPA!


    *On the form, the individual fields marked with * are mandatory, otherwise the form will not be sent.


    For our customers

    Our customers with a live product support contract can send us their questions and requests, as well as report errors, by entering the Partner Center:

    • Expanding the number of users;
    • License extension;
    • Module purchase;
    • Error report.
    Partner Center


    Partner Center

    Request a free demonstration of our Great Machinator or sERPa service!

    Nationwide or online

    • After a detailed preliminary survey, we put together a customized, unique solution.
    • Relying on our expert development background, we will surely find the most suitable solution for you.
    • Our extensive references prove our efficiency and experience.